Member’s CAP Board Meeting Minutes
Zoom Meeting
November 20, 2024
8:00 a.m.
Attending: Kathy Catanach, Scott Fishman, Michele Granger, Deb Pierce, Rob Schain, Kerry Walton, Mary Wills
Absent: Susan Hunt, Linda Johnston
Presiding: Mary Wills called the meeting to order at 8:00
1. Review of Board of Directors Meeting Minutes of October 16, 2024
Motion adopted: to accept the minutes with the modifications as detailed in this meeting. (Unanimous)
2. Treasurer’s Reports for M/E October 2024 Financials – Attached
a. Rob reported that we purchased a $10,000 CD.
b. Rob mentioned that October was not a good month for our investments and our Flax Pond account was down.
Motion adopted: to accept the treasurer’s report of October 24th.
3. Visitation – Mary & Kerry
a. Upper & Lower Cape Update – Mary
There is a possible new site, Mary will report on it next month.
b. Incident Reports
After some discussion it was decided that all incident reports would be reviewed by the President and Vice President and reported to the BOD.
Motion adopted: that at this time all incident reports will be reviewed by the President and Vice President and the President will present a summary of any that may have occurred during the month prior to the board meeting, to that monthly board meeting.
c. Next Quarterly Captains’ Meeting is scheduled for January 7th, 2025
4. Children’s Program – Mary
Votes needed for upcoming special one-time events:
11/23: Funeral Services for Lauren Johnson-Lavendar 12:00 to 2:00 pm calling hours, service at 2:00 pm
12/13: N. Falmouth Elementary School – Be Bold Program 12:00 -1:00 pm
Motion adopted: to accept the two proposed visits presented by Susan for 11/23 Lauren Lavender Services and 12/13 North Falmouth Elementary School B-Bowl program.
5. Membership Committee (MC) Update – Mary & Kerry
a. October 29th, 2024, Membership Appreciation Event Recap.
b. Kerry mentioned that she and Linda have sent out the welcome packages to our new members.
6. Outreach Committee (OC) – Mary & Deb
a. Alternative Gift Market (AGM) Recap
Mary reported that the event was a success while we were there, although the online event had a technical issue and didn’t work.
b. We had 8 or 9 dogs at the Blessing of the Animals at United Methodist Church on Main Street in South Yarmouth. It was well attended, and we’ve been asked to return next year.
c. Mary introduced a need for more outreach by remarking that during the AGM many people said that they had not heard of us. We have discussed a need for CAP to raise awareness of our program at previous BOD meetings. Mary suggested that we should have a “Get to Know CAP” initiative that would include advertising and hosting events. We have a new member with a marketing background who is interested in being very active in CAP. It was suggested that we list and prioritize the reasons for the outreach so it can be effectively targeted. Reasons mentioned were a) increase membership and have more teams, b) expand the
funding base of contributions, c) let more organizations know about us for purposes of engaging visits.
d. Deb mentioned that she’s going to help at Tail Waggin’ Dog, where Heather’s team will be doing some CGC testing. Deb will be there with CAP information to try to recruit some teams.
e. A woman at the AGM suggested to Mary that CAP apply for Grants and listed several possibilities.
f. CAP’s annual appeal for donations from our visitation sites is coming up in January.
7. Training Committee (TC) Update – Mary
a. Next Falmouth class starts January 9th, 2025, and South Dennis starts December 4th, 2024.
b. There was a discussion about the minimum number of teams in a class. It has been three, but if only 2 apply, are we willing to have the class? The disadvantage is that it would cost us funds, the advantage is that we could have two more teams. CAP members would also attend the classes to maintain a group atmosphere.
Motion adopted: to conduct the class with a minimum of two participants in the Falmouth class
8. Newsletter and Website – Michele and Rob
a. Website: There was a discussion about the continuing problems with the website. Scott will follow up on CAP’s social media presence.
b. The next newsletter will be January 9, 2025.
9. New Items:
There was a possibility that CAP would contribute to funding 2 park benches in Lauren Johnson-Lavendar’s name, but these have already been funded. CAP was listed as a possible group that people could make donations to in Lauren’s memory. If we receive any such donations, we will consider how to use the funds.
Meeting adjourned: 9:13
Respectfully submitted, Kerry Walton, CAP Secretary